PARTY PLANS Banquet / Party


There are private rooms that can be used by 4 to 14 people, which are ideal for dining and entertainment.
We offer comfortable rooms.

  1. 通年(火曜日を除く)
Number of people
  1. 4名 〜 14名 
Utilization time
  1. 11:30 〜21:00 
  • There is a minimum guarantee amount set for each private room (total charges for food and beverages).
    Please contact us for more details.

For details such as contents and fees
Please contact us below.

TEL  03-6261-1153

Pamphlet download


210 (seat 4-8 people)


207 (seat 4-8 people)


208 (seat 4-8 people)


212 Hall of Mirrors (11 seated)


212 Hall of Mirrors Solarium

Incorporating the scent and taste of the Mediterranean coast
Modern French is available.

Kioicho butter cookie

[Souvenirs] Original sweets
Kioicho butter cookie: 1,650 yen